Tuesday, July 02, 2024

EDB - PEM - Installation

  • You can install PEM on a single server, or you can install the web application server and the backend database on two separate servers. In this post, we will install PEM on a single server.
  • Because installing without internet, so we must config LOCAL yum server. Please check via Create Local HTTP Yum/DNF Repository
Install the package
[root@edb-pem ~]# dnf install edb-as16-server
[root@edb-pem ~]# dnf install edb-as16-server-sslutils   //using for EDB Postgres Advanced Server
[root@edb-pem ~]# dnf install edb-pem

Change password of enterprisedb user
[enterprisedb@edb-pem ~]$ psql edb
edb=# \conninfo 
You are connected to database "edb" as user "enterprisedb" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5444".

edb=# \password 
Enter new password for user "enterprisedb": 

Configure authentication on the backend database
Modifying the pg_hba.conf file to allow pem to connect to database.
Initial configuration
[root@edb-pem ~]# /usr/edb/pem/bin/configure-pem-server.sh
 EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager
 Install type: 1:Web Services and Database, 2:Web Services 3: Database  1
 Enter local database server installation path (i.e. /usr/edb/as12 , or /usr/pgsql-12, etc.)  /usr/edb/as16
 Enter database super user name  enterprisedb
 Enter database server port number  5444
Please enter CIDR formatted network address range that agents will connect to the server from, to be added to the server's pg_hba.conf file. For example,
Enter database systemd unit file or init script name (i.e. edb-as-12 or postgresql-12, etc.)  edb-as-16
Please specify agent certificate path (Script will attempt to create this directory, if it does not exists)  /root/.pem/
Please specify PEM web server (openssl) certificate subject, template: /C=CountryCode/ST=StateName/L=CityName/O=CompanyName/OU=CompanySectionName/CN=CommonNameOrHostname/emailAddress=EmailAddress  /C=VN/ST=HoChiMinh/L=HCM/O=CHERRY/OU=VHUD/CN=edb-pem/emailAddress=khochiutronglong@gmail.com
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl start httpd
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Configured the webservice for EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) Server on port '8443'.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] PEM server can be accessed at at your browser
