1. Check for available extensions
edb=# select * from pg_available_extensions;
2. Check for installed extensions
edb=# select * from pg_available_extensions where installed_version is not null;
edb=# select * from pg_extension;
edb=# \dx
3. Some important extensions
pg_stat_statements provides a means for tracking planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server. When pg_stat_statements is active, it tracks statistics across all databases of the server
dblink is used to connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
postgres_fdw can be used to access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers. postgres_fdw is the successor of the old dblink extension
oracle_fdw extension is a foreign data wrapper that allows you to access Oracle table and views (including materialized views) via foreign tables.
pgcrypto is a PostgreSQL extension that provides cryptographic functions and capabilities directly within the database. It enhances data security by allowing various cryptographic operations to be performed within SQL queries.
pg_cron is a simple cron-based job scheduler that runs inside the database as an extension. It uses the same syntax as regular cron, but it allows you to schedule PostgreSQL commands directly from the database
pgAudit is an extension for PostgreSQL that provides detailed session and/or object audit logging via the standard logging facility provided by PostgreSQL. It is designed to help database administrators and developers meet security and compliance requirements by providing detailed information on database activities.
pg_partman is an extension that simplifies creating and maintaining partitions of your PostgreSQL tables.
pglogical extension provides logical streaming replication for PostgreSQL, using a publish/subscribe module.
pg_buffercache module provides a means for examining what's happening in the shared buffer cache in real time.
pg_freespacemap module provides a means for examining the free space map (FSM). It provides a function called pg_freespace, or two overloaded functions, to be precise. The functions show the value recorded in the free space map for a given page, or for all pages in the relation
Pgpool-II is a middleware that works between PostgreSQL servers and a PostgreSQL database client.
pgBouncer is a Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
system_stats extension is a library of stored procedures that allow users to access system-level statistics for monitoring Postgres activity. These procedures reveal a variety of system metrics to the database server.
- EDB - Postgres extensions available by deployment
- Appendix F. Additional Supplied Modules and Extensions
- Postgres extensions
- Top 9 PostgreSQL Extensions 2024 (bytebase.com)
- Key PostgreSQL Extensions Every Developer Must Know When Migrating from Oracle. | Database and Migration Insights (wordpress.com)
- Using Foreign Data Wrappers to access remote PostgreSQL and Oracle databases | EDB (enterprisedb.com)
- PostgreSQL Insider - How to link to Oracle databases using oracle_fdw (part 1) (fastware.com)
- PostgreSQL Insider - How to link to Oracle databases using oracle_fdw (part 2) (fastware.com)