In this section, we will install pgBackRest using with EPAS (EDB Enterprise Advance Server). So we need to pay attention to something such as:
- User is enterprisedb, not postgres
- Grant right privileges to enterprisedb user
1. Configuring Postgres YUM repository
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf repolist
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf install -y
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf repolist
2. Configuring EPEL Repository
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf install
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf repolist
3. Install pgBackRest
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# dnf install pgbackrest
Using EDB Postgres Advanced Server, the enterprisedb system user will execute the pgbackrest command. The following commands will change the ownership of the pgBackRest directories:
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# chown -R enterprisedb: /var/lib/pgbackrest
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# chown -R enterprisedb: /var/log/pgbackrest
[root@edb-nhatrang ~]# chown -R enterprisedb: /var/spool/pgbackrest
4. Verify installation
[enterprisedb@edb-nhatrang ~]$ pgbackrest version
pgBackRest 2.52
[enterprisedb@edb-nhatrang ~]$ less /etc/pgbackrest.conf